Control Cuts – What Are They?

Tidbits from the Top Control Cuts – What Are They?   The old adage “concrete gets hard and cracks” is very true, but is there something that can be done in order to have it crack in a certain area?  The answer is “yes… kinda”.  A control cut is when...

Concrete Thickness MN & WI

Tidbits from the Top Concrete Thickness MN & WI   Economy Garages pours a 5” thick concrete floor as a standard.  This also includes a 12” wide by 10” thick area around the perimeter called a “grade beam”, although different building areas differ on this. ...

Improper Preparation Issues

Tidbits from the Top Improper Preparation Issues How the ground is prepared plays a huge role in the longevity of a building.  It is often thought, “just throw some dirt down and get it level”, but there is much more that needs to be done to increase the stability of...