Heating an Unfinished Garage

Tidbits from the Top Heating an Unfinished Garage   So, you need some heat in your new garage to work on your vintage automobile, but you are not planning to finish the interior, what problems might you encounter?  Heating an uninsulated building is a very common...


Tidbits from the Top Gutters   Installing gutters is a great way to mitigate water problems.  Water falling from the eave will super-saturate the soil and cause erosion which can be a very serious issue if the soil is eroded to the point of undermining the...

Aerial Lines

Tidbits from the Top Aerial Lines  When preparing to construct a garage, people will often analyze the ground for the best placement and mark which trees or other items must be removed; however, it is just as important to look up.  Identifying issues in the likes of...

Venting – Garages

Tidbits from the Top Venting – Garages   Why would you install venting in a garage that the inside is not planned to be finished?  If items containing gasoline, diesel fuel, propane, and other chemicals are stored in a building, it would be advantageous to...

Final Grading/Landscaping

Tidbits from the Top Final Grading/Landscaping   The final look of the land around the building is the responsibility of the homeowner.  If Economy Garages is contracted to complete the site preparation, the site will be prepared with granular fill under the slab...

Update Homeowner’s Insurance

Tidbits from the Top Update Homeowners Insurance   I’m going to go out a limb here and say, “Nobody likes to pay for insurance”; however, it can become very important to review and understand your coverages as the economy changes.  We have come across many people...